GPS - Never Get Lost Again
GPS - Never Get Lost Again
Garmin Drive 60 USA LM GPS Navigator System with Lifetime Maps, Spoken Turn-By-Turn Directions, Direct Access, Driver Alerts, and Foursquare Data $ 79,99
Global Positioning System (GPS), probably one of the most useful free technologies available, is a satellite based navigation system that can provide anyone's position anytime and anywhere on the globe. It comprises of 24 satellites which calculate the longitude and latitude of our position. Consumers are required to buy a GPS receiving device that can read the data sent by the satellites. Nowadays, GPS receiving devices make positioning much hassle free by plotting position in the global map that shows on their screens. GPS system is used widely in research, security systems, aircraft and land vehicles. This free technology has made life easier and safer for everybody by giving the accurate location, regardless of where in the globe they are or what the weather condition there is.
Like most of the other great breakthroughs in technology, GPS was started as a military research. When the US navy found out that a satellite could be used for accurately finding out positions, they started research using various satellites. By 1973, US Department of Defense was trying to find a foolproof method of satellite navigation system by organizing various brainstorm sessions and conferences. That year the concept of using satellites for navigation system was decided based upon the experiments, researches and brainstorm sessions, and GPS was built. The GPS satellites are called Navstar. Although full 24 satellite capability was met in 1993, it was allowed to be used for free by civilians from 1980s. The GPS system is maintained by US Department of Defense. These days GPS receiver devices are easily found in stores and on online stores, and once one has the GPS receiver device, one can use it anywhere in the world.
GPS has amazing applications and is used in almost everything that requires or can incorporate positioning. It is widely used by environment research scientists for various purposes. NASA uses GPS signals to identify various environmental conditions and to measure topography. Similarly, various researchers put GPS enabled collars on animals to track them and study their behaviors. Not just for the environmental studies, it is helpful in every other subject. GPS is one of the best tools to study nature and its phenomenon.
Furthermore GPS is also used as a navigation tool in cars, aircraft and ships. It helps airplane and ship manufacturers to save thousands of dollars that would otherwise have been used to make navigation systems. Navigation is really important for aircraft and ships, and GPS makes navigation uncomplicated, reliable and cheap. Similarly, modern cars have GPS devices installed on them, which makes finding places easier than what it used to be. The use of GPS in cars is soaring in the past few years. In Japan alone, more than 500,000 cars are equipped with GPS devices. Some countries like Brazil mandate the use of GPS in new cars for the safety of people. Thus, GPS makes navigation easy and inexpensive.
In addition, GPS is a boon for security systems. GPS tracking systems in ATM machines have prevented thefts and helped track criminals. It helps military to perform with more accuracy and efficiency. The use of GPS in wars in the past has saved lives of thousands of people, and made rescue operations much faster and more effective. GPS is also used by cell phones to make emergency calls like 911 when phone network is not available. Therefore, GPS has already proved itself as a lifesaver.
However, some people complain that it has affected their privacy and hampered security. For example, Cellphone companies can track their phones by using GPS tracking systems. Parents can stealthily track their children's activities by tracking their cars. Criminals and terrorists can use GPS system for unlawful activities. Moreover, GPS is not always accurate. It does not work accurately inside buildings and closed areas. Some argue that GPS in cars distracts the drivers and takes away their common sense. Although GPS systems have some cons, we should try to be smart enough to use GPS side by side with our mind and personal navigation skills. One should learn that sometimes GPS devices become inaccurate, and one should try not to be fooled by those aberrations.
GPS is a brilliant gift of modern technology to the world. It has not only made our life easier by giving us exact locations and easy navigation, but also has helped us remain safe and saved hundreds of lives. It is free and works anywhere on the globe. Hence, it is useful for everybody. The uses of GPS are virtually unlimited. It is useful in but not limited to military, research, navigation and security. The accuracy of GPS devices has almost removed the necessity of using road signs. The excessive use of GPS ha raised a question, "Will people completely stop relying on the road signs in the coming future?"
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